Pride of the Clan

(Written for and first recited at the Elevation of Master Padraig MacMorcat)

We watched him grow, so swift and tall
Pride of the Clan
The old warriors will growl, but smile in their beards
The torch is passed to one so strong
In him, we glimpse our vanished days
When world was young and paths before us lay untrod
Bid him climb the highlands we hadn’t days enough to reach
On him, we place unfinished deeds.

We gather in this honored place
To speak the ancient rite
Some say, the Old Gods touched his sword and made it Flame
Some say, the New God’s saints have touched his soul and made it pure
We cannot say, it is for priests to tell
And we are but men to battle born
We clasp his hands and arms and call him one of us.

We wrap you warm in tartan cloak
And bind cold steel across your back
Honor the gifts you’ve been bestowed
Ride them far as far’s can reach
So we can sing your song to babes as yet unborn
By fire’s light, to each recall
That we were there, and knew you then
That we were once what you became.

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